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My skill is To Be Average, What is your true skill?

I was recently told that Florida needed me. I thought long and hard about that statement and finally I asked her what she meant, seriously how could a state need me. After a little bit of time and a few a short conversations the meaning of this statement became clear. Each person has this skill it but it is if you choose to embrace it or not.

I often thought that skills are what you do for a living or what you learn.  And yes to a degree they are exactly that.  But through my journey and through this entire process of moving forward I have learned an all new meaning of what a persons true skill is.  For most if you are like me, you think it is all in what you do for a living I am telling you it is not but if you are lucky enough to combine them both one can change the world.  

To illustrate this idea, I will use my life and misconceptions as an example. Like I stated, I thought skills were what you did for a living. The actual definition of SKILL: Is to do something well, an expert/ a particular ability.  That second definition is what I missed.  

I have a ton of abilities, one of which is that I have become a professional salesperson over my lifetime. I thought because I had the ability to talk to people, persuade people and to close deals that was my only skill really.  I was no great carpenter, no financial guru and certainly not a real expert except in the arena of sales.  So when my friend said this to me about Florida needing me, I was a tad flustered because what the hell did Florida need with a salesman, I am sure there are plenty there.

I was informed that was well yes a skill it was not my skill.  My skill was to not play the victim, My skill was to keep moving forward no matter what. I have been through the wringer, more so than almost anyone I know and well I keep moving forward.  Pushing to continue to reach for something better and that no matter what either self created hurdles or outside issues I found a way to keep moving forward.  Yes with some bitching and moaning but always with the goal of not giving up.  Being stronger internally and doing my best to not fall back on being a victim.

I was told this is my true gift and she said that is why Florida needed me. She said there were a ton of youth down there that needed a role model. Yes there are good people and solid role models but so few of them are relatable to these young folks. My life experiences have given me the ability to be someone that can talk and understand them on a level others can not. It has actually afforded me the ability to relate if even in some small degree with virtually anyone. My life has given me my true skill (I think it has actually lead to me being good in my work skills)

I have heard this before as a matter of fact but kind of ignored it. It was when I finished my first triathlon. Another friend said it was amazing and I was simply no it really is not. She said it is amazing because you are just like all of us. That makes some sense. Yes there are plenty of people that people look up to. There are people respect but there are people who represent the each and everyone of us. Hence where Broken not Beaten comes into play.

That is my skill I guess, I do not give up and I am nobody special. Funny when you think about it. My skill is to be average and to never stop trying.....and people appreciate that. So much so that I have heard others, claim issues just so that others would feel closer to them. Here is a rather interesting point though about my skill we all have it. Most don't want to ever make themselves out to be human. We all have fears, We all have loss, We all have issues and yes we all have regrets. None of us are perfect by any means however there seems to be this unconscious or conscious trend to let others think that everything is ok and there is never any issues.  

People need to know that what they are facing or have faced is real. Each of us want to know that it can be overcome. That is why their are heros in this world, this is why their are people who are average everyday people who can teach others.

Take for example a farmer, any farmer if you will.  Little to no education,  no great historical events but he did raise a family he did provide day in and day out for his kids.  When his kids grow up and well death comes calling for the farmer, his family looks back on his life.  Yes there will be no great record setting event, no massed fortune to give to his kids but what his family got was a real hero.  Someone that despite his shortcomings showed up everyday.  Worked through hours, days and years to provide for his family.  That is a hero.  Being an example and that was his true skill.  

All of us have this skill, the very same skill that I have tried to tap into with Broken Not Beaten. I have said it many times that we can all do something amazing and that we all are amazing, because it is true. My skill is to embrace my shortcomings and to keep moving forward. Stop pretending that you don't have any problems embrace them and overcome them  find out what your skill and strength is then share it with others.....SO what is your skill?

If you prove you are not beaten then really you were never broken to begin with.......