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A few Big Ass holes

With the return trip not far off, I have been doing some serious planning. I am more then excited to be getting back out there and to leave the northeast US in the past. A old saying comes to mind "How are you going to keep them on the farm, after they have seen Paris"....Once you have experienced a true adventure well something just draws you back out. Over the next few blogs I'm going to be talking about the sights that are going to be coming up and some of the destinations I'm looking forward to. I just hope some things work out so this doesn't get postponed any further.

I'm sure everyone thought by the title that this was going to be a visit back to some of my posts from the past. Nope not at all. The reason I called it this is because, I will be stopping at some big ass holes. Remember I said in "One Last Apology" those things are over so look if you're looking for something to create drama from this is not the blog for you. I meant it that is done.

I already know what to expect up to Dallas. I know where to stop, what roads work and what roads don't. Where I can sleep and where I can eat. I already have friends along the road to stay with and see so there is no big surprise coming my way. I'm a little unsure if I will cut down to the gulf coast or stick along the route 90 corridor while heading through Florida. That me a game time decision.

I have always said the people are the journey and man I can not wait to see the people I met last time out. I want to break bread, laugh and smile with my friends. People who I have come to think of often when i reminisce about the trip. I want to snuggle with the dogs in Alabama, hang with Elvis's cousin, curse like a sailor in NOLA with heidi, ride with Mike & David, meet Bo Jackson, take some kids on an adventure and meet my friends in Texas for some more Honky Tonkin....oh and some fishing with Mike along with chilli with Tom. I can not wait to see all the others along the way either, people who I have grown fond of just through some short conversations, people who matter to me. People like Mike and his wife, My camping counselor and walking dead friend and last but not least the funniest cyclist on earth in Louisiana.

This time though when I get past Dallas, it will all be new again. Each crank of the pedal and smell in the air will be new. There is something about that. Most of you know this feeling. That feeling you get when you go on vacation to a new spot. Even the sun seems new in a new area, though you have felt the sun everyday of your life. Imagine that for the next month and a half everything you see, smell, touch, feel, hear and experience is all new to you, HMMMMMMMM the serenity in that is like nothing else on earth. That is the beauty of the journey.

Clearing Dallas, there is not really much of anything except for rolling hills.  Rolling hills and more rolling hills....oh and Cows lots and lots of Beef....the smell should be lovely in the early summer.  Heck it probably won't smell much worse then me at times.  

But once I break into New Mexico I start to come into the mountains. The elevation starts to rise and roads start to become steep. I hear there are roads out there that seem like they go straight up. Well all I can say is bring it. There is a level of freedom that comes from the wide open fields of dirt and sun. Roads that are so straight and devoid of any other humans. That will be an experience like no other on earth. I actually get shivers thinking about it. My friend Lee tells me I should be excited to lay out at night and look up at the most stars I will ever see....just wow think about that for a moment.

One of the first major stops will be in Roswell New Mexico. I mean come on why not. The home of lore and science fiction, the home of aliens for goodness sake. Just to eat at the Crashdown Cafe is going to be worth the 2200 miles. My friend Amy and Chris swear this go around may actually involve a UFO. Well, after the adventures of the last trip, I actually think this is distinct possibility.

From there I will be heading to Meteor Crater. The hole that was the focal point of the movie Star Man. I remember as a kid seeing that movie saying "I want to go there", this time I will be there. This will also be the first of the big ass holes. Haha I still love typing that. Below is a picture of meteor crater, seriously that is in the middle of nowhere so don't anyone dare tell me oh it can't be that remote.

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After leaving the crater, I have a northwest trek of about 400 miles of nothing except for some very steep roads heading up to the Grand Canyon.  The biggest ass hole.  I'm actually going about 850 miles out of my way to go here.  You may ask why and well even if you don't I'm going to tell you.  

Many of you know about my mother dying when I was a child. My mother used to talk about always wanting to take a family vacation, you know the type the Griswold kind, to the Grand Canyon. She always talked about watching the sun come up and standing near the edge. I think this was actually a little secret only her and I shared. Well I have always thought that I could say good bye to her by fulfilling her wish. I plan on sitting on the edge, feet dangling over the edge, headphones on, listening to my favorite piece of music and watching the sun come up all the while crying my eyes out.....hell I'm tearing up just thinking about doing this. This singular event alone will make it all worth wild.

The road heading into the Grand can not tell me you re not a little jealous of that.

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I will also be stopping in Winslow Arizona to stand on this corner and make a video of me singing the song by the eagles.......tell me that is not epic.

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So yeah, I have some of the hardest terrain coming up. I have some loneliness and I have some things are a going to test me in every way possible. Today I started with a therapist to address the ptsd and like I said hopefully things work out but I'm not, not doing this. Peace out till next time and look forward to the next chapter.