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One last apology

I should of done this a long long time ago. It is all part of letting go of the past. 
I truly enjoyed being with you. I really did. I enjoyed what we shared in common and I enjoyed our friendship. We were definitely compatible in one way but I know it wasn't enough. I wish things had worked out differently but I understand why they worked out the way they just was....but I did mean what I said and I think at that time you did as well.

I have been mean, judgemental and a juvenile asshole. There is no excuse, no matter how hurt I was for my behavior, trust this I know I ruined what could of been amazing...and I think that was the hardest part for me to accept. It was easier for me to blame you then to look at my part. You did not deserve that at all.

You didn't deserve what I said and how I have acted. You didn't and I'm sorry. I really am.

I should of done this from the start. I should of walked away...I should of accepted things as over and I should of been OK with it.

I promise to walk away say nothing more and leave you in peace.I hope you can do the same for are a good woman a fine mother and I wish I had been a better friend. I should of been a better friend instead I proved your fears and family right. I'm sorry really sorry. I kept my word before and I will do it again. Nothing more will be said or done ever. Please go live your life and let me live mine....I assure you its over.... I'm actually begging here....I hope in time you don't regret things but I understand if you do....please accept my deepest apologies for how I is over for me I swear on my mother's grave....I'm putting this down and walking away with all the blame as it should have been from jump. Nothing more will be said or done ever I will let it go just as you did...please allow this to end this way and know I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. Please allow me to live my life as's done.

Thank you for the memories and the time spent together...goodbye....