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Did a Bicycle Really Do All This

The Origin of how a film and a bicycle changed my life

I still find it amazing that my life has changed so much in just the past year. In this blog I'm going to do a little bit of just winging it and see where my writing takes me. I hope it makes it a worthwhile read. Its absolutely gorgeous out today and well I'm sitting here at a coffee shop just enjoying my life.

The title of this blog is "Did a Bicycle Really Do All This" or was it me and the bicycle just a tool.  As you all know by now my tag line is Broken not Beaten.  If you didn't know, well please go and check out the other blogs.  There is much you need to catch up on.  Just excuse the grammar and spelling please, I suck at that part.

How I came up with "Broken Not Beaten", it came from the Ironheart film (available for free btw on Amazon Prime) Flatline to Finishline. Shortly after my first sprint triathlon last year I was invited to the premiere of this movie in Baltimore. I was rather excited to see it, since I just finished my first triathlon and really knew of no other OHS (open heart surgery) survivors who had done this. Turns out that I knew the people from Ironheart after all. We all grew up in the same area. Wow what a small world after all.

During the film there was this particular moment that brought tears to my eyes. It was a moment where I believe Dave one of the founders says "I'm broken but not beaten". I will have to watch it again tonight to make sure it was him. Either way, it was a pivotal statement for me. With a lifetime of events, that all seemed to tell me I was one broken individual, at least in certain areas. I found this statement right at home with me.

This line, like I said struck a cord with me. You see no matter how broken I felt I never gave up. When I had to keep moving to get my leg to work at 100%, I did. When I had to take short little walks that eventually become longer ones, I did. When I wasn't able to go to college, I learned a career on my own and worked my way to the top. When I was homeless I found a way to survive and I did. When I was in the grip I found a way out. When I wanted to prove I could do a triathlon, I did.

So this line, rang true to me more then I can express. So I stole it, don't worry I told Dave. What I came to realize, that what I was feeling about being broken was real and true for almost anyone. We all have our own demons, obstacles and hurdles in life. Some let them become excuses, some ignore them till they can't and some use them for fuel to thrive. What I found was, I did the later. Looking back over my life, even decisions and actions that were my fault I learned a little something from. I could either let my life be dictated by those events or I could find a way to move forward now, just like the other members of Ironheart.

Now I was nowhere the athlete that most of these folks were. But these heroes were such an inspiration to me I wanted to be a part of it. I have been given not just one chance, not 2 chances heck not even 5 chances in life to find my purpose. I saw this as my purpose to carry a message that anyone and I mean anyone is not truly broken.....So I used my bicycle to show it (my question is answered: The Bicycle didn't do it, it was just a tool). To show myself, that I was more than the scar down my chest or the sum of my past. I was just as capable as anyone, because well I don't give up, I'm never can think I am but nope you would be so very wrong. I have learned you are only beaten if you allow yourself to be.

We are all capable of doing something amazing. We are only limited by our own thoughts. Well thoughts and gravity because even if I wanted to jump a 300 foot ravine, that is still not happening. But you get my point I hope. This film, this line and the people of Ironheart changed my life.  I found my purpose I found my opportunity to do and be more and damn I have been going for it since.

If I can share anything with all of you it would be this.  You can do really can.  Yeah things may get tough, things may get you down, life may seem like ten million tons but really it is just a moment.  Your life is just a small little moment in time and an event in your life is an even smaller moment.  You may be broken, hell I am we all are, it is part of being human.  But you like me dictate if we are beaten.  

The film and people of Ironheart showed me what was possible. I did the work, the bike was the tool and well the results, well the results are going to be what they are going to be. Go be amazing and find your purpose....the journey is amazing.

My life coach, a friend and my therapist all told me the same thing and I am passing it along to you

"The only person that can beat you is you"