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Here it is The Apology I promised

I wish I could of done this in person

This may not be the smartest thing I will ever do....but it is something that I need to do. I hope you understand the words that are typed here and I hope you take them to heart. Some will assume this is for them and some will see it as vindication but this only meant for one person. Thank you

We all make mistakes we all have short falls. Some things are done for others and some things are done for ourselves. Sometimes an apology is both.

You were with me as I watched the moon dance on the waves of the gulf, You were with me when I had to carry my bike across a river with gators, You were with me when I was at my lowest as well as my highest, You were with me when I saw the sun rise over the Bayou, You were with me when I layed hurting in that hospital, You were with me when I was fixing homes in Baton Rogue, You were with me when I was bit by the dog and you were with me when I couldn't tell where heaven ended and the earth began. Whether you cared or not I did you were my friend and that's what was important.

I kept going to prove I was good enough, when actually I was good enough all along, sorry I couldn't show you that then. But it doesn't matter not everyone sees things through their heart. Im sorry I only ever wanted my friend and what happened was my fault I was wrong and Im sorry for ever putting you in that position and hurting you, I would of appreciated the same respect but I understand...its easier this way for you I guess, but if you meant to hurt me it worked. Please forgive me though and know I will keep my word, I just wish you had allowed me to say this face to face and spoken to me instead......of well never mind doesn't matter...I forgive you and I hope you can, me. I really hope so, one day, but I doubt you even think twice about it, but really Im sorry. Good Bye