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Life is Like a Box Of Chocolate

You Never Know What You are Going to Get

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My world has been upended more times than I care to even think about, sometimes it has been self created and at other times it was from outside influences. A line from my all time favorite movies is "Life is like a box of never know what you are going to get". The older I get the more this statement rings true for me. From the friends that saved my life and helped me to the people who have come and gone you really don't know what you are going to get.

When I dropped dead, on October 18th I thought that was it. I thought I had wasted my life and I would never have another chance to do and see the things I have always wanted. Oh how wrong I was. My box of chocolates was just being opened that day, I just did not know it.

It was 3 years ago this past Sunday that my childhood friends stepped up to help me. What I mean, is they came to my rescue. Not because I asked, I certainly didn't I have never felt comfortable with asking for help but there have been times when I needed it and that was one of those times.

It was about six months after my surgery I was in a terrible spot. Financially I was ruined, I could barely walk and I certainly couldn't work. Some of my childhood friends put together a fund raiser for me. They threw a get together at the Green Turtle in Aberdeen Maryland, a friends band came and played, and many of my friends and family came to support and help me. Even an online campaign was set up and here I was not thinking I was going to even be able to afford my medications and the people I have known forever showed up to help me. They carried me through the most difficult time in my life, enough money was raised so that I could continue to heal and not have to stress myself into returning to work prematurely. I could of never have made it through without all of them. I don't know if I ever even got to thank them all. But thank you truly from the bottom of my heart.

Sadly I do not speak to many of them anymore. Sometimes memories are short and well how fast people forget what I was facing. Especially after rocking out a bicycle ride halfway across the country especially by all accounts I should of been dead. Which again thank you to everyone that helped make that a reality. The return trip where I become the first triple survivor to ever do it will become a reality.

I don't blame any of them. Most of them only heard stories and most never bothered to find out my side. It is ok I truly appreciate all of their help and if I could ever help any of you whether we talk or not and it is in my power it is done. Assume what you want, it is ok I know my strengths and weaknesses. Im good with me.

Now back to how this whole topic came about. Ever since choosing to go on my cycle trip I have felt a little like Forrest Gump. Even with the fundraiser being thrown all those years ago it seems that when I just show up in life it seems to come together, good things just happen. That is why I call myself at times the Universes favorite son. As of late I show up do my part be open and amazing things have happened. From the incredible bicycle ride and all the awesome events that have happened since being on this boat.

I have been able to cycle on some of the most beautiful spots in the United States. I recently went swimming with wild dolphins for goodness sakes. I have also met dome incredible people.

Earlier today I rode my bicycle to Savannah Georgia and back a total of 45 miles. That was not the cool part the cool part was to meet the people I met in town. To see the sights of a city I heard was beautiful but truly the big deal to me was to sit in the spot where forrest gump told his tale. Yeah that is what I did today. I sat down had a picture taken and then told a stranger about my bicycle ride. Yeah that was cool and yeah you don't know what life has in store.

If you had said to me 5 years ago. You will be sitting on a boat off the coast of Georgia a year after finishing your first triathlon and riding a bicycle halfway across the United States. I would of said no way instead today I am actually doing these things. I actually did these things. I have met the most incredible people, seen the most incredible sights and it has all come about by just showing up.

The greatest mistake I ever made was having a preconceived idea that I was in control of anything. I have just found out to go with the flow....I did something amazing with my bike ride, doors have opened with the potential for the book, the places I have seen and the people I have met are well just beyond awesome. So yeah Life is like a box of never know what you are going to get.....just be ok with what you get and what I have gotten once I have shut those doors on the past have been amazing.

It is all about showing up and trying. I may not ever be anything more then just me and you know what that is just fine. If you never try you know what you will get.