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Mississippi Miracles......Cycle Trekking 103

A short pass through a gorgeous little state.

Finding myself in Mississippi seemed to be almost dream like. I had never been in the state before. Not even once had I really ever thought about it. My only experience and thoughts of Mississippi where from the tales of racism from school or the stories of bugs from movies like Biloxi Blues. How far from the truth these preconceived notions were. ​Mississippi truly is the hidden gem of the south, passed over by many but loved by me. I would return in a heartbeat and I am rather sad that it was the shortest of all the states I travelled through but some of my fondest memories are from the crooked letter state.

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Heading into Mississippi I did not know what to expect. All I had heard was people drive nuts, the roads are terrible and the people are mean. So upon coming into the state I found none of it to be true. Yes the road were a little rough and the crossing from Alabama to Mississippi was a over a single lane bridge with no shoulder but other then that it was no biggie. I found myself sitting roadside enjoying my normal lunch of tuna fish and a bag of potato chips.  Sitting at a single pump gas station in the middle of nowhere propping my feet up and chilling in the humid sunshine seemed to be about perfect. 

A local older gentleman asked me what I was doing I said "I said living life" he said "No seriously what are you doing".  So I preceded to tell him of my death, my life and the reasons why I was on this trip....his look went from well that is stupid to hey you know that is pretty cool.  We talked for what seemed like an hour about life, love and the fact he never left mississippi.  But how at 75 he was ok with that.  I don't recall his name sadly but I do remember the lunch he bought me. It was called a "Bodine" kind of a mix between a sausage and beef jerky....but I had no idea what was in it and I don't want to know but it was good.

As I stated earlier the roads in this stretch of Mississippi were a little rough. The grass growing through the cracks even in the road surface made for a very bumpy road but very little traffic. It was a remote stretch of route 90 as most are since most travelers ride along route 10 now days. It was a few hours before sunset and I had to make arrangements to camp somewhere so I started my calls to camp sites. I found one by sheer luck as most like what I experienced in Alabama were RV parks or to far away for me to ride to and then get back on track. What I found was heaven on earth.

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When I talked to the owner of the Presley Rv Park in Moss Point Mississippi. I knew right away that I liked him.  My number must of come up as a PA number and well he told me he would love for me to stay and talk to him and that people from PA stayed for free on tuesdays.  I just had to laugh and after an exhausting ride he actually came to meet me and bring me into the park.  He was a tall lean man, strong as an ox and well as nice as any person i have ever met.  He brought me to his park just past dark and since he put me up in an a RV instead of my tent.  He then brought me down two cornish game hens BBQ'd to the max with the best baked beans I have ever had.  This was all topped off with hand made ice cream apple tarts.  Mr. Presley asked me to join him in the morning for the sunrise and a coffee and well how could I say no especially to real coffee.

That was one of the first night of sleep where I just passed out showered comfortable and well stuffed in almost a month. I slept like a baby and the next morning I met Mr. Presley for coffee as requested. We sat on the bench of his restaurant and I witnessed my first mirror lake and if you have never seen one you must. The park was gorgeous it is located on a lake with a beach and just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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People in Mississippi like to talk about life, they like to talk about simple life, not about things but about enjoying things I noticed this here more so than in any other state I visited. It is as if they know something the rest of the busy world has forgotten and well they seem to have it made. Mr. Presley and I talked about cars, we talked about boats, we talked about fishing, we talked about food and we talked about my reasons for the trip. He said "You are not so lost young man" and well that is was the first time I seemed to have ever heard that.....Liam is my friend and I can not wait to sit on that porch and drink another coffee with my friend and Elvis pressley's cousing how cool is that.

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After a long talk my daylight was a burning and well it was time to hit the road and make a go of my journey again. It was time to cut down and ride the Gulf Coast....again.  This time I made great time.  

Heading into Gulfport I was not really sure what to expect. As it turns out Gulfport and Biloxi have turned into the "RedNeck Riviera" filled with casino's and well gulf islands devoted to gambling, it is kind of funny i never would of thought it. After crossing out of the gulf port area on route 90 You cross a large bridge into the prettiest beach town I have ever seen. it is not a tourist stop but it should be. there is a catholic college there and only 3 bars and a handful of restaurants...the town and the people were a dream as it was almost surreal at how nice everyone was....that town may be my home one day it is the town of BAY SAINT LOUIS....look it up beautiful. I camped road side just outside of town. The ride along the gulf was spent on a long wide seashore length of concrete constructed for travellers to stay out of traffic. Well worth the ride.

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The next morning I was going to be heading into my fourth state and leaving this little slice of heaven behind I was about to enter the BIG EASY and meet some new friends and experience a whole new level of gratitude. New Orleans had always held a special place in my heart and this to was going to be another place for me to find a missing piece of me.